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Morrant Blog


The art of “playing fair” is based on learning, understanding the rules of a game and actively obeying them throughout. These could be rules for anything from a board game to a sports match, a game of cricket for example. Applying the term “fair play” to games aimed at children helps to give them an understanding of how ‘playing fair’ in life and understanding social rules can help them as they mature. An example would be the social rules of being polite, taking turns, solving problems and cooperating.

It is important to make sure that the attitude of fair play is introduced at a young age. This is to help ensure that it follows them into their social relationships as they grow up.

Playing Fair in Cricket

Cricket aids the physical health of a child by keeping them active, whether it be a social sport or competitive. It also keeps the brain active and helps players to build social connections. As with all types of sport, cricket can be a very competitive game but the spirit of the game makes it unique to other sports. It can teach children the value of discipline and sportsmanship. These two aspects are not easy to teach, but are important in everyday situations that children encounter as they grow.

Speaking of “the spirit of the game”, this is a notion somewhat unique to cricket and makes sure that the players taking part must behave properly and play fairly at all times. Because cricket is a team sport, children will be working with their peers; this also involves exposing children to all people, regardless of their gender or race, allowing them to be involved in a diverse community.

Values of fair play

  • Equality – Competing on equal terms is essential in cricket because otherwise performance cannot be measured successfully.
  • Friendship – Rivalry in cricket games does not impact friendships. Friendships can even grow from opposing cricket teams.
  • Team spirit – Individuals can be strong on their own in cricket and in life, but they will always be stronger as a team. Sharing a win amongst a team is much more rewarding than on your own.
  • Tolerance – Children who are willing to accept certain decisions or behaviour that they don’t agree with when they are playing cricket develop a sense of self-control. This trait is essential to development and being rational in adult life.
  • Care – Players with real sportsmanship that show care on the field also learn to exhibit the same behaviour in life, whether they are rivals or not.
  • Joy – The most important part of cricket is that it can bring people together and bring joy amongst the players, regardless of if they win or lose. Bitterness is not a good trait to carry into adult life.

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